The Truth About Buying Fake Followers

3 min readMay 18, 2021

If you are someone who wants to become a Social Media Celebrity or simply wants to increase brand awareness across Social Media Platforms, it can be tempting to take shortcuts wherever you can in order to expand your audience, which also includes buying followers.

In this post, we are going to discuss about buying followers on social media to give you a better idea of how it actually works. We’ve also explored the pros and cons, so you can decide for yourself if it’s a good move for your brand.

Can you buy followers?

Yes, anyone can buy followers. There are plenty of cheap services from where you can buy followers in exchange of money, all of these services sell followers for different prices.

But don’t you think if increasing followers was this easy then anyone could be popular? So why this isn’t the case? Is it worth investing in buying followers? Is it safe for your business?

The main reason buying followers can prove to be a wasted investment is because the accounts you follow often aren’t real.

The vast majority of purchasable followers are either bots or inactive accounts. Here’s how it works:

Buying fake followers on Instagram/ Twitter is much harder now than it was a few years ago.

Why so?

Social Media Platforms has been cracking down on accounts that violate their terms of service and ban them permanently is the suspect any suspicious behaviour which violates their rules one of them includes “buying followers”.

Still some were successful in buying followers whereas some people got banned by the platform.

FollowerAudit a fake followers checker tool can easily identify fake followers from ANY public Twitter account.

What happens After you buy followers?

Once you have your brand new automated followers, don’t expect much. These followers won’t do much for your engagement metrics.

When you buy Instagram followers, you’re paying for a number alone. Engagement is not guaranteed, or even likely.

Without real followers to engage with your content, your posts are essentially hidden from everyone except your inauthentic audience. Plus, your bot followers won’t discuss your brand in real life with friends or family, because, well … they don’t exist in real life.

However, not all fake followers are bots. There are some companies that sell followers that are genuine accounts.

In this situation, the accounts are created either because they’re managed by users whose only goal is to get followed in return or for the sole reason to offer this service. And while these followers might show early engagement, they’ll ultimately become a drain on your Instagram account’s performance metrics when their accounts go dormant.

Should you buy followers?

It’s not a good idea to buy followers. The purchased followers are likely bots or inactive accounts, so they won’t engage with your posts. This means your posts won’t show up on Explore Pages, or on your real audience’s newsfeeds. It will also make it hard to measure metrics.

There’s a Better Way to Grow on Social Media

The best way to grow on Social Media is to grow organically, stay consistent, follow the rules and trends and have patience with time and effort you will slowly build organic trustworthy and loyal audience.

20 Proven Ways to Get More Twitter Followers Organically

