6 Tools To See Who Unfollowed You On Twitter?

3 min readJun 16, 2021
Who Unfollowed You On Twitter

Twitter is a great platform for blogging and promoting your business, and if you want to gain a great brand reputation you also need a good number of followers which can be really hard to get.

As we all are aware of “unfollowers” and how annoying they can be. It is also important to keep a track of unfollowers and identify the users who unfollow you and when?

Tracking unfollowers stats can help you identify days with the most number of unfollowers and find what caused more unfollowers, to identify such mistakes again.

Now, lets dive in and find the best tools to track who unfollowers you on Twitter –


FollowerAudit is an AI-Based Twitter followers tracking tool with amazing features for tracking followers including tracking Twitter unfollowers.

You will also receive real time alerts whenever someone new will unfollow you.

Identify all your unfollowers in the “unfollowers list”.

Other features like — identify fake followers/ inactive followers from any public Twitter account, track followers, and much more.


Circleboom is a Twitter management tool. If you need to unfollow some of your friends, you can use unfollow module on Circleboom. It provides a handful of filters to help you to unfollow the ones not following you back, fake accounts, spammers, eggheads or inactive accounts very fast and effective in comparison to its rivals.


CrowdFire is one of the best free tool for Twitter to unfollow non-followers. You can sort the non-followers on a variety of factors including date of follow. Every day you get to unfollow or follow 25 people for free using CrowdFire.


ManageFlitter is a favorite Twitter tool for unfollowing non-followers. The new beta version lets you select multiple Twitter accounts and with one click you can unfollow them.


Tweepi is a simple tool, and you can sort through the list and unfollow them one by one.


Unfollow Twitter Tool — Discover and unfollow Twitter followers who are not following you back


It’s a good idea to use one of these Twitter unfollow tools once in a while to keep your Twitter interface clean. Just be sure not to unfollow the Twitter accounts of blogs and companies, as they hardly ever follow anyone back!

